FAQ for Zmanim

Last updated: May 24, 2021

Contact: zmanim.apps@gmail.com

My notifications aren't showing up!?!

This seems to be caused by Android's rather aggressive power management.

The suggested way of working around this, and I apologize...it's a number of steps, is:
  1. Go to Android settings
  2. Select Apps & Notifications
  3. Click "See all xxxx apps"
  4. Scroll down until you find the Zmanim app, and tap on it
  5. Expand the Advanced setting
  6. Tap on "Battery"
  7. Tap on "Battery optimization"
  8. Towards the top is a selector to switch between "Not optimized" and "All apps". If you haven't done anything, Zmanim will be under "All apps"
  9. Scroll down to find Zmanim and tap on it
  10. In the resulting dialog, select "Don't optimize" and then "Done"